Friday, January 28, 2011

Extrema Ratio at

Extrema Ratio Knives are available at

They offer the very best selection and prices this side of Italy.

click any picture to maximize

Sunday, January 16, 2011

ParaCord Wristbands

I have long admired the handiwork of the internationally famous knot-tying master Stormdrane. I have met him a few times and have found him to be a gentleman of good character and immeasurable talent. And like every wise man, he knows that his talents are God-given and therefore is, I am thankful, glad to share his knowledge and expertise. See

So I have studied a few of his tutorials, and after about a dozen less than pleasant attempts, have managed to make a few paracord wristbands. I submit them for your approval. Click either picture for a larger view. Thanks for looking! - Paul